Who hasn't even figured out a costume for her kids yet, but is bound and determined to make them something from scratch? Me!
Who can't even reach her sewing machine and craft supply stash because the floor is completely covered with boxes of stuff that her kids threw all over everywhere that she hasn't had the energy to sit and sift through for months and months, so it's sitting there blocking her access to all the goodies? Me!
I have a feeling there are some crushed-up good intentions in my near future....or else something adorable and fun. I'm thinking a butterfly, complete with wings with glitter and whatnot glued on to them...
The suggested template for performance evaluations at work once included the following assessment criteria: "Makes reasonable plans to accomplish goals and tasks." Fortunately for me, either my boss never noticed this criteria on the form or never noticed that I totally fail in this regard. I don't make reasonable plans...I make grand plans, I make exceptional plans, I make large, crazy, strange plans that delight and excite and overwhelm....reasonable plans are for suckers, ladies. Make wild, awesome plans. Let the three year old crack the eggs into your ridiculous chocolate cupcake plans, let the baby wash the dishes, go to the zoo every week until you know every animal, and write a book in the month of November...There are only 168 hours in a week, who has time for reasonable plans?
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